Learning UX and UI

Aef Setiawan
2 min readJan 12, 2018


When we challange ourselves to establish a start-up about one month ago, my daily lifes are full of challenges and suatu yang baru. The challange began when I appointed as product designer and development manager. It challange my to swap, or jump actually, from conventional bussiness mindset to technological bussines mindset.

My challange is nyata : How I design and creating User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) at the same time. It is totally new for me, even hearing its names. However, In this story I’m not explaining what UX and UI is, because there are many explanation from expert over the Google. I’d like to tell how I enjoying my challenge in trying learning UX and UI.

My challange in UX is how to make a design of product where the user have excellent experiences when use it. As a start-up our product is an apps who can download in Google Play (but it has not ready yet). The measurement of its success is easy, how the way the apss is not being uninstall by the user after they download it. It is not easy job, need many hours to discuss and think about it.

Because if it has dowloaded by the users and after seeing in few time then unistalled it immadiately, it means your product is poor. Beside that, in Google Play store itself there are many similar products. It is mean you must compete or competed by them. Consequently you must design seriouly and dedicatedly.

And why I called this as challange, because I learn it from nul. I got the basic knoledge of UX from Google and a little from my friends who are designer or IT expert. There are no day without typing “what is UX “ in Google. I had reading alot articles and some ebooks from websites, such as UXpin. It gave as more knowledges instantly by free ebooks.

Then I also learn to be an UI designer. My challange is how I design a good interface of the apps. UI in simple analogy is just the same in packaging of the product. The appearance of the product is very important to consider, because the user or consumer will choose your apss by its design. When your design worse, you will be killed by the competitors.

I also learn from zero for UI. The learning method are the same, learning from Google or asking the IT friends. But the speacial one for me is, I challange myself for mastering photoshop in two days. Yes, I never use photoshop before becuase I usually use Corel Draw for designing everything. But when I browse in YouTube, it design by photoshop not corel. And the result itself is awfull.

Now, I have finished designing the a half of apps. Far from perpect actually but I’m so happy because now I have futuristic skills. And the important one, I find the new learning method and the power of internet.

#30daystoryin english #without edited #lovewriting #willeditlater



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